Sunday, June 26, 2005

Craziness at the internet pub

I suppose I've mentioned the internet pub befrore. It's actually a quasi-coffeeshop, with funky music and old maps on the wall. The only difference is that no one ever drinks coffee here, since a half liter of Budweiser is 60 cents. Obviously this pub's clientele has impressive cognitive skills. Anyway, I got here about half and hour ago, and some funky looking people were arguing with the barman. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but they seemed pretty pissed. There was one older guy, one crazy-looking fat woman, one muscley guy who looked dumb, and some sort of short, fat blonde czech. Not the most impressive group I've seen since I got to the Czech Republic. They seemed to be haggling over money or something. I quietly opened up my computer and started surfing. Then the two guys starting making like they were going to attack the barman. Now this barman is particularly cool, having allowed me to chill and surf the internet (for free) many, many times while drinking very few cups of tea. Both guys had to be held back by their fat women. But, since they didn't remove their shirts, I suppose they had no real intention of attacking. Finally everyone left except the crazy woman, who was still yelling like trailer trash on daytime tv. The barman was trying to ignore her, but she grabbed the front of his shirt and starting screaming bloody hell. A guy from outside came and started yelling at the woman. I also got up (being the only other patron in the pub, I didn't have much choice) and walked over to the woman. The barman had made no move, other than to hold his hands up to show he wasn't going to touch her. I politely asked the woman to let him go and leave. She yelled a bit more, but eventually realized she was surrounded by three large men and walked out. The barman came and took my order (black tea), and i politely asked if he spoke english (by 'politely' I used the Czech formal 'you' verb conjugation for 'to speak'). He said yes, and explained to me that the crazy people had asked if they could play some guitar music in his pub. He said yes, but they could only play two songs. They were terrible, he told me, and wouldn't stop playing their extremely loud ghetto-karaoke. He asked them to leave, and they then began to verbally assail him. One of the guys was a little dark, probably half-gypsy. They claimed he was kicking them out because he was a racist. He replied that they were being loud and driving off customers, and could stay if they stopped playing music in his pub. This was not enough to satiate the cro-magnons, and they went batshit insane. Shit, I replied, that's crazy. We could both still hear the loud guy yelling in the park across the way. He then came across and starting yelling at the pub again. His girlfriend was trying to hold him back, but he was either drunk or incredibly stupid. He pushed her to the ground and rushed back into the pub. A few guys from outside came back in to make sure he didn't do anything, and the grazy guy's girlfriend came back for the idiot. A few minutes later a cop came by, spoke with the barman, and walked out to the park, probably to look for the proto-humans. What did I learn from this? The cool barman speaks english, for one, so I don't always have to order in czech. Also he's not a racist- i've seen him serve african-americans (and gypsies) at this same pub before. Mostly I was surprised by his restraint when the crazies were assailing him. Anyway I like this place - barman's cool, beer is cheap/good, and the internet is free. God bless the internet publ


At 6/27/2005 05:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy being one of the few to pick up on the shirtless fighting reference. Some forms of communication truly are universal...

Perhaps you should conduct a "retro-blog" and blog about the shirtless event as if it just happened.



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