Friday, June 17, 2005

In the 'holy crap i can't believe that just happened' category...

Right outside my window is a large construction area. It's cordoned off with a 10-foot high metal fence. Basically I can see what's happening down there, as can other people in my building, while people outside the fence have no idea. It's often a source of amusment. Trucks that can't turn around tight enough and end up getting stuck in a mud puddle are common. Guys drinking beer in the middle of the day, then taking a leak right behind their management trailer. But I saw something much, much more bizzare today. I was quite bored and staring out the window on a nasty looking friday afternoon when a 60-year old woman walked into the construction area. She then hiked up her old-woman dress, pulled down the parachute-sized underwear that was hidden up there, squatted, and took a leak. In full public view. I was speechless. In fact, at the time, I was attempting to dial into a teleconference. I was unable to do so. Instead I pointed and made noises, which attracted a large number of my equally-bored colleagues. We pointed and stared, and waved and tried to get her attention. She finished, pulled everything back together (which coincided with groans and grimaces amongst the peanut gallery) and hobbled off. So what did I learn about this? Grannies have giant panties. No, really. But mostly I learned that you can easily waste an hour after seeing something like that gesticulating wildly and cracking jokes with the people sitting around you. It's the gift that keeps on giving. OH, and check this out.


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