Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Febio Fest

The Village Cinemas at Andel, normally a half-empty american style mega-cinema, is hosting a film festival this week. I've already been to three movies, and I must say the place kicks ass. Besides the giant baloon-gateway thing, the paper-cutouts in the trees, and the giant red carpet going through the mall there, the place is great mainly because it's a party. The outdoor cafe is happnin', people are dancing to the variety of musical acts playing in the stupid pseudo-italian restaurant next door, and generally enjoying the hell out of themselves. I've seen more movies in the past 5 days than I had in the past six months. On sunday afternoon I saw Napolen Dynamite, which was weirdly great. Sunday evening I saw some Peruvian movie with Jana. It was about the Shining Path, and how they kidnapped kids for their army. It was in spanish, with french subtitles, so I was a bit confused. But it was good overall. And last night I saw Garden State. My girlfriend regulary accuses me of disliking movies about relationships. This is true. I hate watching dumb people have overwrought heartfelt confessions of infidelity, or tedious discussions of their personal faults and fears. It's all crap as far as I'm concerned. I do enjoy some movies of the type - Amelie, for example. Garden State was about relationships. And it was great. Mainly because it was about people I could relate to. Notably the people that are between college and whatever. I can't recommend this movie highly enough. Go see it. Oh, and it's wicked funny.


At 4/06/2005 05:58:00 PM, Blogger sarah said...

garden state sucked. don't watch it. it was about nothing- and not like seinfeld was about nothing. it ended before it even got started. megh... that was a waste of a free movie rental at block buster over x-mas

At 4/06/2005 09:32:00 PM, Blogger nick said...

This coming from a woman who liked 'I Am Sam'. There is a credibility gap here, sarah...

At 4/07/2005 03:12:00 PM, Blogger sarah said...

for goodness sakes, its the guy from scrubs!
and aren't we getting a bit defensive about a crappy movie?

At 4/07/2005 07:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garden State was extremely humorous. If you didn't like the movie, then you weren't really watching it. It was awesome. And yes, the guy from Scrubs was in it. He wrote it, directed it, and starred in it. I think that's worth some congrats. He's like 23 or something. That's quite an accomplishment!! Oh yeah, and he's hot...I want to be the mother of his children. Zach Braff, you're my hero...


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