Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dirty Dogg

Hot dogs are already the confection most famous for containing things unnamed and unmentionable. How bad is this...

Snoop has proven he can spread himself thin and still win. But like comic book superheroes, super rapper Snoop has a sidekick to help him out: his entrepreneurial 26-year-old brother, Bing Worthington. Together, their endeavors include Snoop Dogg Clothing, Cadillac Snoop DeVilles, Snoop Dogg skateboards and now, foot-long frankfurters. You guessed it: Snoop Doggs.
Umm...I'm just gonna take a guess here and say that, after 15 years in the rap business, snoop's 'dogs' ain't the most clean and hygenic thing on the market.
“There aren’t any celebrity hot dogs out there,” he said. “Who’s the competition? Ball Park?”
This man knows nothing about the hot dog business. Everyone knows the Jews have the best rolled meat. Hebrew National is king - best damn hot dogs in existence. I won't touch a hot dog unless it's been blessed by a rabbi. Biatch.


At 11/16/2005 09:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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