Friday, October 28, 2005

I hate the foreign police

So my visa renewal was rejected by the menace known as the ‘Czech Foreign Police’. It was rejected on a technicality relating to my current housing situation, so I’m going to have to ‘leave the country in 30 days’ and get a new visa somewhere else. The Czech foreign police are somewhere between petty criminals and evil stepmothers on the short list to run the IRS in Hell. First of all, considering they deal ONLY WITH FOREIGNERS, you would assume they would speak a foreign language, especially English. When my friend Brett went there to register his new long-term visa, he was told (after asking if the woman spoke English) “No. Learn Fucking Czech.” Everyone here has a horror story of standing in line for two days, crammed between a dirty Chechnian (from females, insert ‘lecherous’) and a noisy Vietnamese family, only to be dismissed offhandedly by some demonic bureaucrat because a particular paper wasn’t notarized in triplicate and signed by George Bush personally. But my story has a fine resolution. I have to take a week off work (during which I will spend 4 days in Istanbul) then go to Dresden on the 7th of November to get a new visa. After which I will walk into the Foreign Police building and slap the receptionist in the face. Gently, not too hard, just so she knows that I have beaten her little system, and that whenever she goes to her troll-like family (or more likely, hairless dog) in the evening she’ll know, and I mean KNOW, that to wake up in the morning is utterly useless disgrace of a life.


At 10/28/2005 09:45:00 PM, Blogger Brian said...

too freakin' funny nick. if it helps, the INS (I mean USCIS) in america is not so much better.


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