Trashy British People
British people are bizzare to me. As americans, we get fed a steady diet of Masterpiece Theater and proper english accents that, once heard, cause involuntary lactation.
On the other hand, Britain still manages to have a significant quantity of white trash. Several of the people at my office, while respectable, have totally incomprehensible accents, and definitely don't act like proper british gentlemen. Prague also suffers from roving bangs of british 'stag parties', which are like frat boys who never went to college and repress their latent gay feelings for each other by ill-advisedly spending their cash on the gypsy prostitutes on Wenceslas Square.
This article perfectly describes the british white trash, or 'chav':
Mr. Carroll is an object of national fascination in part because of his apparently pathological criminality, and in part because he represents a kind of Briton known as a chav. Chavs, whether rich or poor, tend to favor gaudy jewelry and expensive-but-tacky clothes with big logos and to behave in a way that others find coarse or obnoxious. Male chavs wear tracksuits and baseball caps; female chavs pull their hair tightly back in buns or ponytails, a style known as a "council house facelift," from the term for public housing.This is a fantastic description of their appearance! But how about for their activities...
Chav behavior - outrageous spending sprees, drunken brawls, inappropriate public displays of affection, screaming matches with loved ones in bars, destruction of property, late-night stumbling and/or vomiting - provide celebrity magazines here with much of their material.The article itself is about the 'Lotto Lout', a chav that won about 16mil dollars in the lottery. It's hysterical, so check it out. I decided to check the Wikipedia article on Chavs as well. Some highlights -Chavs apparently used to be called 'Yobs'. It doesn't explain why... -They're known for hanging around places called 'chavaramas' -Actually the wikipedia article is hilarious, and I recommend reading it as well. This is just a reminder that no society can escape trashy young people. Every country, no matter what its reputation, creates dumbass kids who harass older people trying to make money or excercise or shop or generally do something other than oogle trashy-looking girls.
Describes the Royal Family's activities well.
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