A Muse and his Maker.
Hoping to catch the latest episode of ‘Pimp My Ride’, I casually turned the tube to MTV the other day. Unfortunately they were playing music videos (they do that in Europe). I watched for a few minutes, and a new song came on by the name of ‘Hysteria’, by some group called ‘Muse’. In short, it rocked. I discussed this ‘new’ band called ‘Muse’ with some of my co-workers, and were disappointed to find out they all know about the group, and my frog roommate even has their CD. It’s been a long time since I discovered a new band I liked. I’ve recently been listening to my old Weezer and Radiohead CD’s, which are absolutely fantastic. But both bands recent efforts have dissappointed. Weezer has become a bit too kitsch, and the Radiohead guys have gone completely insane. Their recent musical efforts have consisted of high-pitched whines mixed with dissonant chords and a drum machine. I have no idea what’s happening there. Muse sounds a lot like a non-kitsch Weezer mixed with a sane (but not sober) Radiohead. I’ve been enjoying their music at work, listening on www.radioblogclub.com, a sort of online radio, with crappy quality but sans annoying dj’s. I just hope they avoid thinking they’re some sort of musical genius and end up recording an album consisting of them hitting a bongo for 76 minutes while on mushrooms. That would suck. I do have a pet theory that all musical geniuses eventually go insane. Look at Beethoven, Radiohead, even Whitney Houston. And if you're 60 and still playing well, you're not that great: i.e. The Rolling Stones. But the greatest musical genius turned future inmate of some institution is, of course, the King of Pop. Michael Jackson has been rumored to be planning an album of songs based on the prayers of the late Pope, JP the Deuce. His 'publicists' deny this of course, but the more Michael Jackson goes insane the more likely something like this is to happen. William Shatner did something similar, and everyone loved it. Everyone is much less critical of the fact that William Shatner is completely insane. Maybe it's because he's white and Mike is black. Or white. Michal Jackson, deciding that becoming a white woman wasn't enough of a challenge, has decided to become a submissive Muslim woman. Michael's transformation, from black man -> > white man -> white woman -> space alien -> muslim mother has been nothing short of amazing. I can't wait to see what happens next.
i just discovered Muse too. Eddie burned a copy for me, but the CD is missing one song. being the one song on the album he'd actually paid for, iTunes has instructions not to make too many copies of it. because he makes lots of CDs and loses them, he breached this limit a long time ago.
so my CD is missing this one song.
E insists the song isn't all that great.
but if that's true, why did he find this to be the one song worth paying for???
I've got all their songs. I'll burn them for you if you want...
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