An email conversation
An email conversation between myself and Sarah Sarah: so maybe facebook is blocked 'cause its a 'dating site', but you can still get on MySpace, right??? Me: nope. what is myspace anyway? Sarah: its fun! but kinda complicated... you can have a blog there... put picts up, little blurbs... find people... i foudn so many people from high school... could u use my link to see mine? Me: nope. 'dating'. and i don't want to see or know about any people from high school. Sarah: its fun to see who got fat. who got bald. who got gay... Me: i like when people get gay. it's always the same conversation: Person a: Hey guess what! Person b: What? Person a: Person X is gay now! Person b: Seriously? Person a: Really! I heard it from Person K Person b: Wow. That's weird. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But just weird. Didn't he hook up with Person W in High School? Person a: Yup. But now he's dating a guy from Alaska. Person b: Wow. Never saw that coming. Sarah: yep! its the best... this is the conversation i had with a girl, annie, who i went to middle and high school and worked with in the shoe department of nordsrams: [Sarah]:Are you still in touch with anyone from Westlake? Annie: Yep, Misti. She's got a kid [Sarah]: woah Annie: yeah, the fat cow finally got laid... speaking of fat cow, tessa's got 2 [Sarah]: I thought tessa was gay Annie: she still is, but she's got two girls and is living with her boyfriend [Sarah]: what? Annie: i don't know...
So Nick, do tell, Czech's and pot?,0,6264013.story?track=hpmostemailedlink
And btw, Facebook is a great time waster, pity you can't access it in your ever stimulating work environment.
Myspace is cool. I've actually met a lotta fun people.
And, unlike Facebook, it requires no college email account. This allows me to meet people who have a refreshing lack of ambition.
i think i need to write an email to your techies explaining how myspace and facebook can be excellent time wasters for them, too... then they'll see the virtue
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