Originally uploaded by nickmoles.
Last night I had my first keg party.
(Well, Kyle and I once had one back in 2003 or something, but we just brought the keg back from a party on a mini-golf course. we didn't even drink the whole thing, leading me to speculate how cool it would be to bathe myself in beer. I chickened out, though, and soon found myself in the strange situation of being ashamed that I hadn't ended up covered in beer)
Matthieu and I decided to do it american-style, with kegs and plastic cups and chips and pizza. We invited about 40 people, which was a hell of a lot, and figured we'd get about 20 (people here are lazy). We picked up a 50L Keg of gambrinus, which is about 100 large czech beers.
The keg was the best I've ever had. I forgot that in the US we usually drink bud light and icehouse at keg parties. This stuff was cold and fresh and incredibly satisfying. In fact, Matthieu and I tapped the thing at about 6pm, and proceeded to get steadily drunk about 2 hours before the party even started.
We both took the day off to clean the damn flat. The term 'bachelor pad' is probably a good description of the place - the fridge is empty of anything except ketchup and mustard, with a lonely bag of frozen peas in the freezer. the sink is permanently full of dirty forks and plates, as we usually just wash one dirty plate and fork if we need it. And the place is damn dusty and covered in candy wrappers and old beer bottles.
But we cleaned the hell outta the thing, and were shocked at the end how good it looked. It stayed that way for about 5 hours until the party started. This morning we woke up and the place was covered in beer cups and wine bottles and empty bags of chips and nuts. Back to normal.
The party itself was a shocking success. Last time we invited 30 people and got 13 or so. This time we invited 40 and got about 30, a significant increase. I think the x-factor in this was that we were offering everyone free beer. Everyone commented on how cool it was that they didn't have to lug their own bottles to the party and watch them mysteriously disappear from the fridge, leaving them sober and dispondent and having to make a beer-run to the filty nonstop around the corner.
The party was also gender balanced, which impressed everyone. Very international as well, in the picture above are a pole, a czech, an irishman, a texan, an englishman, a portugeeseishman (?), and a quebecoisier-bastard. There was also a guy from Wisconsin, which confused everyone.
My mistake was to take shots with the guy from wisconsin. he found my stash of slivovice, the deadly moravian plum-brandy. We ended up dancing at Akropolis at 3am, a situation that I blame entirely on the state of wisconsin and the province of moravia. damn them.
So the keg party was cool. we're going to try to do it again in December, leaving enough time for the little old ladies that live in the apts next to us to stop being so pissed off about the noise. But I do appreciate that they didn't call the cops on us, like your normal czech babushka.
Now I must go and lay down and wait for Sunday, when my hangover should finally go away.