Monday, August 08, 2005

moravian wedding

I went to a Moravian wedding this weekend. It wasn't much different than a regular wedding in the states - same dress, same indistinguishable aunts, and a few young people. The most interesting thing is that the Bride's father brought a large amount of homemade alcohol with him. Since he specifically wrote 'Vladi's Wedding' on the bottle, I felt I could not properly enjoy Brian and Vladi's wedding without getting inebriated off the local brew. I conspired to manage 8 continuous hours of drinking slivovice (the homemade plum brandy) and beer by taking advantage of the generously free bottles of water. I also ate much schnitzel, and somehow made it until 10 o'clock before passing out (we started drinking at 1). I was escorted to my room by the gf, after I fell in the woods while trying to retrieve the kidnapped bride (another Moravian tradition). I felt like crap during the night, but woke up hangover-free. This is after having 5 beers and 10 shots of incredibly strong alcohol the day before. Jana actually used the word 'injustice' to describe my non-hangover. I was proud.


At 8/08/2005 10:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, would definitely like to learn more about the kidnapping of the bride and the fall in the woods.... kindly elaborate....



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