Monday, August 01, 2005

Brian is an Idiot

My friend Brian is an idiot. Actually he's pretty much the damn smartest guy I know, but on Satuday night he proposed the damn stupidest thing I've heard in a while. Brian is a business guy, working primarily in technical sales. All of his knowledge and experience is about to confront the enemy of all that is logical and efficient: marriage. A foe most ambiguous and emotional, that which cannot be defined or reasoned with. Brian decided it might be a good idea to put together a 5 to 10 year plan for his marriage. A great idea if you're the Chinese Agricultural Commissioner, not so good if your future job role is Chief Appeaser of Irrational Female Emotion. Putting together a powerpoint presentation detailing the cost/benefit analysis of having children, career moves, and socio-demographic income levels within such a manifesto aren't going to appeal to the emotional part of the female element. And contrary to Brian's enthusiastic belief, such a powerpoint presentation will not be well received by the target audience, especially while the aforementioned target audience is on her honeymoon with the aforementioned idiot. Let me repeat: Thou shalt not give a powerpoint presentation on your honeymoon. I laughed my ass off at this idea, quickly describing in my nonsensical psuedointellectual alcoholic-bard brogue how the warm glow of a romantic honeymoon will be ruthlessly extinguished by such a power point presentation, leaving Vladi (Brian's woman) embittered and prone to chain-smoking and angry rants about the modern world. And, as Brian is a techophile with a propensity for whipping out his PDA in inappropriate circumstances, converting his new wife into a Neo-Luddite on his honeymoon would bode ill for the future of his Union.


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