Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ahoj, neighbor

With great joy, i announce i have become an internet pirate. No, I don't surf these chaotic waters in search of gold and plunder. Instead I am like a seventeenth century peasant, without the basic human necessity of internet access in my home. The lack of such a service is due to the fact that myself and my frog roommate didn't have any money until January, and we don't feel like paying for it now. We are denizens of the internet cafe, or even better, the internet pub, where internet surfing is accompanied by gentle inebriation. What joy. But last night the frog started croaking about wifi signal. i had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, because his english is a failed attempt to eat a hot potato. But 'wifisignal' is the same in every language, so i immediately grabbed the imac and started roaming about the flat in search of signal. in my room it was but a suggestion of a memory of hours spent researching the political structure of turkmenistan. but in the kitchen a rich bounty of electronic goodness abounded, and i finally checked my email at the flat. and so i am here now, blogging with about the same signal that i had in that bathroom in amsterdam. but i am connected, and slightly inebriated as well. Yes, lent has passed, trees are blooming, and the beergardens are open. no one cares that it's 55 or 60 degrees and you have to wear a coat while drinking your beer. it's not snowing and things are turning green, so it's time to join friends and comrades in a round of beer. cheers.


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