Friday, December 23, 2005


I've safely made it to Austin, Texas. No thanks to the airport known as Charles de Gaulle. What a piece of garbage - that place was a giant parking lot scattered with terminals. there were highways running across the runways, people wandering everywhere, and traffic jams on the 'dedicated' bus lines. i'm lucky i didn't miss my flight. but no matter, i'm here. i've been ordered to hang around with family for the next three days, so if you want to do something you'll have to secretly call over to my parents house while everyone else is out shopping and i'm watching HBO. Although considering my parents read the blog that's kinda useless. hmmmm...


At 12/23/2005 10:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah.. parents' house = HBO.

is there any rhyme or reason to their program schedule? or do they just draw movie titles out of a hat? "think they'll feel like sitting through Catwoman?" "Wow, good question. We better air it."

When does Ali G come on?


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