Wednesday, February 16, 2005

On Snow

A big cottony mass of snow descended on this city last night. I was greeted with a crunchy pack of almost-virgin (freshman-year) snow as I walked to the tram stop this morning. By mid-day the sand had been deployed, turning the sidewalks into a dirty, slushy mess. The snow will turn brown by the weekend, and black within a week. Eventually it will half-melt, then freeze, turning the sidewalks into a speed skating course. Naturally, with my coordination and sense of balance, this is quite inconvenient. Then, we'll have one or two glorious days in the 50's, and the whole cycle will start again, not to end until the cold drizzle of April begins. The only reason I put up with this is that a czech beergarden in June is a good substitute for heaven on earth.


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