Monday, January 17, 2005

Too much beer

I really had way too many beers this weekend. It's not because of my mom's fear - that i'm actually living in a cesspool of sin, and destined to end up in stained clothes with a dirty needle sticking out of my arm. It's mainly due to the NFL. Yes, I blame the NFL for my beer consumption. Contrary to my former post I watched a lot of football this weekend - 3 games. I spent a total of about 10 hours at a local American hangout called "sport bar zlata hvezda". This is the place with the all-night sports dungeon that i watched the rose bowl at. What do you do when you're watching NFL with 7 of your friends? You drink beer. I did this in the US, but was often constrained by 1)my car, and 2) lack of funds. The true reason I drink a lot of beer is that it's so cheap that there is no economic constraint on consumption, and there isn't the self-regulating problem of drunk driving accidents. This means that the beer is flowing. It has also helped with something else: I have ridiculous tolerance. Really really amazing. I'm not quite at a normal eastern european level yet, but I could drink your average fratboy under the table. I also really enjoy the 'drink a few beers with your friends' thing here, as opposed to the 'get dressed and drink half a bottle of vodka before you go out and act really stupid at some pretentious overpriced college hangout'. If this is growing up then I'm a fan. My friend is coming back from Wroclaw in poland tomorrow, and this is his opinion: "Wroclaw (prounounced VRAHTS-Woff) is probably the greatest place in the entire world...but only if you are 18-32 and single...." Unfortunately I'm not single, but I'll have to check this place out. I mean I can't go to Paris for the weekend, but a few days in Wroclaw are probably about as good...


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