Football season is over
Mostly because I don't care about the NFL any more, football is over. Texas has won the Rose Bowl in one of the greatest sphincter-clenching games of all time. Oklahoma has lost another national championship game, this time to a PAC-10 team (weak, guys). And there were some other teams, too. This is pretty much the first time in years that the season has ended on a positive note. Although I must say that personally I miss the tactile smells and sights of a college football game. 80,000 people wearing orange shirts. That weird cannon-sulfer mixed with 10,000 hot dogs smell that makes me hungry. Trashy girls on the hunt for the newest STD. Students who drank 'a little too much' before the game, spend half their time collapsing onto the people in front of them, and have to be escorted off by police while yelling disgusting yet surprisingly amusing anecdotes about their situation. And, of course, the big cow in the end zone, drugged up higher than the mayor of Washington DC. Of course, I can always go to a Slavia-Sparta hockey or football game. They're like UT games (lots of cops and cooked meat) except the crowd is exclusively drunk men looking for a fight. Often enjoyable. Of course eurofootball is super boring compared to texasfootball, but then slavia football isn't a cornerstone of my cardivascular system in the way that the longhorns are.
WHAT???? Ok, this is obviously a so called cultural difference! There is nothing better than soccer...especially european soccer. I am sorry, but amercian football is so damn boring. Never mention this, when being in on of the soccer countries in Euorpe.
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