Miss Kotenova
Originally uploaded by nickmoles.
Accompanying me on my journey to the Balkans is Jana Kotenova, nominally known to readers of this blog as 'the gf'. Her official title is Ing. Kotenova, which is something like Engineer, the title for people with masters degrees. I like to call her Ingcha, which means little Engineer.
Sometimes people won't sell her alcohol here, 'cause she looks too young (and that's pretty young, as the legal limit is 18, and anyone over 15 can get booze easily). When denied alcohol, she proptly informs the proprietor that she's and Engineer, and that she expects her alcohol to be promptly sold. The proprietor apologizes profusely, and the Jana tells me about it when she gets home.
I tell her she should stop complaining, and be happy everyone thinks she's 17.
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