Friday, May 13, 2005

Unfortunate Sunday Morning

Originally uploaded by nickmoles.

Somehow I managed to wake up on sunday, which wasn't an entirely pleasant experience. But it was V-E day, and I was determined to get the most out of the day as I could. Especially since I had no idea what that was. Apparently it included beer and sausage (first ingested at noon!)

So I went to Letna park to check out their military exhibit. They had a simulated US army encampment, complete with 48-star era flag. The thing that really bothered me was that the Americans NEVER CAME TO PRAGUE. Patton made it to Plzen, and then was told to stop. The Soviets liberated prague.

Of course the czechs despise the soviets, because of their numerous violations of property and women. Someone wrote an article about how Americans and British were just as bad as the Soviets. Well I spent the weekend hanging around with people who experienced both. There's no relativism here - people like the americans, hate the russians.


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