Saturday, December 11, 2004

Airport blog

This airport sells three things 1) Dan Brown books (and that's it as far as the written word goes) 2) Clogs 3) Every type of alcohol possible. By combining these three things with a good throwing arm and a low tolerance for alcohol, I see the opportunity for Sabotage. Proper sabotage. Purchases today: 1) 10 Euros for internet 2) 7 euros for McDonalds 3) 5 euros for economist Yes, i sacrificed better food so I could purchase the economist. I couldn't imagine the pain of a 10 hour flight with another Dan Brown book. by the way, the McDonalds here served the chicken sandwich (no beef eating in eurostan - mad cow...) in a styrofoam package. I was like what the hell?!? This is the continent of Kyoto treaty and high-handed environmentalist crap. Hell, those styrofoam containers get in the ocean and sea turtles get stuck in them and all... i realized the airport is like the mall, except with fewer teenagers. You can buy a suit here (with angel wings, apparently - i wondered if i puchased it if i would have better access to those Victorias secret models with the wings and all. remember i've been awake for 26 hours), jewelrey, and there are two mcdonalds. and wi-fi. but it still sucks like the mall. people don't really want to be here. they're just stuck. believe me, it sucks to a significant extent. is anyone reading this, by any chance? wanna email chat?


At 12/16/2004 10:39:00 AM, Blogger sarah said...

You should fly continental... FREE economist! No joke! I read one today... they also have time and newsweek for the more simple folk.


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