Friday, December 10, 2004

Setting the Mood

So i'll be heading to Houston tomorrow, to visit my sick uncle. I'll be heading out of here at 7am tomorrow, and arrive in Houston at 7pm, which will add up to 18 hours of travel time. Should be a blast. And I've borrowed my roomates DVD's to watch on the way. Band of Brothers should set the mood properly. Although I must say: last time I came back from Europe I was unemployed, fat, and generally had no purpose in life. I was also leaving my girlfriend, and all my friends here behind to lay around my parents house and do nothing. On the flight over I read American Psycho. That was uncategorically awful. Still, the best setup ever came during my visit to Auschwitz. We left prague for Krakow on Friday night, and since we were terrified at the thought of grimy eastern types stealing our digital cameras, we spent the whole ride awake. Saturday night we went out and partied, then I endured a 3 hour grilling about Bush's Iraq policies. So I went to Auschwitz hung over, without sleeping for 2 days, and just having endured a gruelling political discussion. And the weather was grim and rainy. Auschwitz really shouldn't be visited on a sunny, warm day. Of course the place would be depressing during the second coming of Christ, it's that bad. Sorry for the depressing post, but that's what I'm gonna be putting up for a bit. Go read The Onion for something better.


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