Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thursday and such

I'm sick of the US political scene. So much nastiness, pessimism, and weird religious sayings. Although I love that map with the 'United States of Canada' bordered on the south by 'Jesusland'. That's genius. So my girlfriend graduates from college tomorrow. That makes me nostalgically remember my own graduation. The night before we had a big party at the co-op (not for me, simply in celebration of being college students in possession of 7 kegs). At 5:30 am I was in a little circle of people huddled around the remaining keg. Good times. Woke up at 7am for the ceremony (which I had erroneously believed began at 9). Anyway, the ceremony was fascinating. The students were quite reserved (hung over), and generally apathetic (incredibly frightened) towards the whole graduation experience. The parents were generally proud (ecstatic) and politely cheered for anyone vaguely related to them (blood-curdlingly screamed in the excitement that their wayward children would no longer be ravaging their bank accounts.) And then we were all off, to get jobs, to be stressed, or to hang out in our parents’ basements and smoke marijuana (to each their own). Hey: so the purpose of this blog is to give me the chance to write some. I never write anything I want to anymore – in sending out business emails I must beware of any adjectives that might upset clients. And I have to be very careful of writing anything that could be taken the wrong way by the AUDITORS. You have to write AUDITORS like that because whenever people say it they whisper it in a very loud voice. So bear with me while I get my feet wet in this blogosphere thing.


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