Originally uploaded by Nick Moles.
Sometime around Tuesday, while staring blankly at a spreadsheet, I started contemplating what the weekend's activities would consist of. Drinking? probably. Traveling? maybe. Television viewing? absolutey.
But luckily Jana had a dynamite proposition. I could tag along on a business trip! By 'business trip', she meant free hotel room and expensed dinners, so I joined this escapade immediately.
The capital of the Magyars is a wonderful city, grander than Prague, more cosmopolitan than Krakow, and much less boring than Vienna. But I didn't do any sightseeing. I confined my activities to soaking on Budapest's baths (actually just one bath in Budapest...twice).
As a side, I visited the Hungarian town of Esztergom, where I walked around a cathedral for an hour. Or, as Jana vividly remembers, walked up about 1000 steps to the summit of the basilica, where we got an excellent view of the beautiful communist apartment blocks of Slovakia.
And then we went to the local baths.
Overall, an excellent weekend. Upgrated from just a good weekend by the fact that I didn't pay for three quarters of it.
As those wily magyars say, 'szia'