Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Evolution and stupid people

Religious people are okay with me. Hell, I go to church at least twice a month (the average number of sunday mornings when I not recovering from drinking too much of the Devil's Brew). I'd go even more often, but since services are geared towards old people (who are rearin' to go at 4am) than young people (who are more than willing to go to an 8pm mass (see: my packed college church)) I am often left out in the cold. But I digress. This insistance of the religious right in America that creationism be in textbooks is stupid, moronic, insane, a blight upon civilization. Sure, if you want your kids to be mill workers and watch NASCAR all weekend, fine. But, shit, give them a chance to learn something. I mean, even the Pope recognizes evolution. You hear, THE POPE. Pat Robertson doesn't have the ear of God. Jerry Falwell doesn't either. Contrary to (somewhat (51.1%))popular belief, George Bush doesn't discuss his golf game with the Lord. But John Paul II, who is a VERY conservative Pope (Gays=evil, birth control=evil, wants to move Italy back to the days when people like my Great-Grandmother were popping out kids at the same rate G-Dub makes spelling mistakes) believes in evolution. The Pope wants to move us back about 100 years (pre-mousselini or however you spell the bastard's name). The Christian Coalition wants to take us back so far that I'll be picking ticks out of my neighbor's hair. And using them as seasonings for my banana.


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