The crappiness of being old
So it's the 23rd of December and I'm working. On monday, the 27th of december i'll be working. This is a travesty. Why am I here? no one else is. I'm only here because i'm at the bottom rung of the socio-economic ladder. And to climb up I have to prove my worth by showing up at work and doing nothing. I remember my christmas time in texas...laying around watching tv...drinking beer by joey's hot tub...lil steve doing something stupid... Last year I was laying around the co-op drinking a case of pabst blue ribbon (PBR) every other day. How times change. But I will actually be doing something interesting tomorrow. I'm off to the great untamed wild of Moravia, where I will eat a dead fish to celebrate the birth of my Savior. They Celebrate christmas early here too - on the 24th instead of the 25th, because of the time difference. (By reading that last sentence you just became stupider. this is my power...) I'll try to get some photoblogging of the whole event done tomorrow. Keep checking in for updates while you eat cookies and watch your mom frantically wrap presents.
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